Important: This function is only available to users whose tax residence is in Italy and who file their tax return in Italy. It is not provided for by the tax regulations of other countries. |
Read this short guide to correctly use the Redetermination function.
By indicating a transaction with the Redetermination category, the currency will automatically be set with the date and market price as of 1/1/2023.
Italian law requires that the recalculation be applied to the total quantity of tokens/currency owned that you wish to recalculate.
Here is the procedure to follow:
Request the stock report as of 31/12/2022 to verify the total quantity of tokens/currency held that you want to redetermine
Enter a manual WITHDRAWAL transaction with the Redetermination category, specifying the currency and the total quantity taken from the stock report
Then enter a manual DEPOSIT transaction with the same currency, category (Redetermination), and the same amount
Done! The currency is now redetermined