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Form 100

Learn the nature and purpose of this document.

Updated over a month ago

The Form 100 is the electronic form that taxpayers in Spain must complete to declare the income earned during the fiscal year.

This document, part of the so-called Declaración de la Renta, is used to calculate the tax owed or, if applicable, to determine the tax refund due.

The following activities must be reported in this form:

Capital Gains/Losses

The Spanish Tax Agency (Agencia Tributaria) has established that both the sale of cryptocurrencies and the exchange of one cryptocurrency for another are fiscally relevant transactions, for which capital gains or losses must be calculated.

This type of income must be reported in Form 100 under the section “Ganancias y pérdidas patrimoniales derivadas de la transmisión o permuta de monedas virtuales por particulares.”

Individual transactions must be declared by filling out box 1804 in Form 100.

Income from Airdrops

According to the interpretation of several tax advisors, airdrops are considered gains and losses not resulting from the transfer of assets, typically declared under the section “F1 - Ganancias y pérdidas patrimoniales que no derivan de la transmisión de elementos patrimoniales.”

Based on this interpretation, airdrops must be declared by entering the total value of the cryptocurrencies received, calculated based on their market value at that time, in box 0304 of Form 100.

Income from Staking and Farming

According to the interpretation of several tax advisors, rewards in virtual currencies obtained proportionally to the allocation of funds in cryptocurrencies (as in the case of staking and farming) fall under the category of investment income (rendimientos del capital mobiliario), typically declared under the section “B - Rendimientos del capital mobiliario” within “Rendimientos del capital mobiliario a integrar en la base imponible del ahorro” in Modulo 100.

Based on this interpretation, the rewards should be declared by entering the total value of the cryptocurrencies received, calculated based on their market value at that time, in box 0033 of Form 100.

Submission Deadline

Form 100 must be submitted to the Agencia Tributaria by June 30 of each year.

Each declaration refers to the previous fiscal year.

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